Dollars & Cents Children Book

Dollars & Cents

We use money in many parts of our lives. We use it to buy food, clothes and toys. Captain Willows has taught us about the basics of coins. In this book he will introduce and teach us about dollar bills commonly used in the United States. Again we will learn about history and practice math while we learn the basics of dollar bills.

In our next book Captain Willows will begin his long awaited adventure. His quest to find Windy Caverns and reclaim his family's hidden treasure. So come join me in learning about dollars & cents so we can help Captain Willows find the hidden treasure... Enjoy!

Age Range: (Kindergarten to 4th/5th Grade so 5 - 10) ... this book also has workbook pages (similar to My 2 Cents book) throughout to help the kids reinforce what they are learning.

# of Pages: 70 Pages

Cost: $14.95

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